Himalayan Languages Symposium, Gothenburg, August 08

Anju Saxena Anju.Saxena at LINGFIL.UU.SE
Mon Feb 18 09:09:37 UTC 2008

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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14th Himalayan Languages Symposium
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
21-23 August 2008

Keynote speaker: Scott DeLancey, University of Oregon

The Himalayan Languages Symposium brings together scholars working on 
languages and language communities of the greater Himalayan region: 
north-western and north-eastern India, Nepal, Bhutan and the Tibetan 
Plateau, northern Burma and Sichuan, and Nuristan, Baltistan and the 
Burushaski-speaking area in the west.

We invite abstracts for presentations on topics including, but not 
limited to:

    * Descriptions of lesser-known languages
    * Argument structure
    * Grammatical changes in contact situations
    * Language change and variation
    * Historical-comparative studies
    * Typological studies
    * Field reports
    * Corpus-based analysis
    * Language policy and language planning
    * Ethnology and folklore
    * Himalayan languages and new technologies

Submission proceedure

Abstracts should be no longer than one page with one-inch margins using 
at least an 12-point font. Along with the abstract, please enclose a 
separate page specifying the authors' affiliation, address, and e-mail 
address. Abstracts may be submitted electronically (as an attached file 
in RTF, postscript, PDF or MS Word format). Please send your abstract to 
HlsGoteborg at ling.gu.se

Important dates

    * Abstract due: 31 March, 2008
    * Acceptance notification: 30 April, 2008
    * Symposium: 21-23 August, 2008

If you would like to receive information about the conference, send an 
e-mail to HlsGoteborg at ling.gu.se.

Information about the conference is also available at the conference 

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