Fwd: numeral systems in minor languages

John Peterson peterson at RZ.UNI-LEIPZIG.DE
Sun Apr 1 11:48:24 UTC 2012

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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I've been asked to forward this to the list. Please respond to the  
person mentioned in the mail, not to me. Thanks!

------------------------ Ursprüngliche Nachricht ------------------------
Betreff: numeral systems in minor languages
Von:     "tatiana.oranskaia" <tatiana.oranskaia at uni-hamburg.de>
Datum:   So, 1.04.2012, 08:36
An:      "John Peterson" <jpeterson at linguistik.uni-kiel.de>


Dear colleagues,

I am forwarding a request of Eugene S. L. Chan <eugenechans at hkbn.net>.

Best regards,
Tatiana  Oranskaia

Greetings from Hong Kong! I have recently uploaded new data of numeral

> systems for many small languages around the world to my website, but I am

> still trying to find data of numeral systems for some small languages in

> world, maybe you could introduce me to linguists and translators working

> with some small languages marked in Green, Blue or Black colors that I have

> not uploaded their numeral systems and have not recorded their numeral

> systems, or help me with some contact e-mail addresses. I guess some

> colleagues or students might be able to help me with data for some

> languages.

The website of his project is

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Oranskaia
Abteilung für Kultur und Geschichte Indiens und Tibets
Universität Hamburg
Alsterterrasse 1
20534 Hamburg

Tel.: 040 42838 3387/85
Fax: 040 42838 6944
tatiana.oranskaia at uni-hamburg.de

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