[ACLA-CAAL] CfP: Special Issue of Language and Sociocultural Theory on SCOBAs
Mat Schulze
mschulze at sdsu.edu
Thu Jan 17 00:19:21 UTC 2019
Call for Papers
*Deadline for submission*: 1 September 2019
*Language and Sociocultural Theory* announces the CALL for papers for a
special issue on SCOBAs
*Overview and purpose of the special issue*
SCOBAs (Schema of a Complete Orienting Basis of an Action) are a
fundamental component of Systemic Theoretical Instruction (STI), the
pedagogical model proposed by Gal’perin and colleagues (Gal’perin, 1989,
1992; see also Lantolf & Poehner, 2014). In North America, STI is becoming
more widely known under the label Concept-based Instruction (CBI). As a
fundamental component of CBI, SCOBAs represent the essential tools at the
heart of instruction leading and driving development (Vygotsky, 1987). CBI
emphasizes the importance of both the quality of cognitive tools as well as
the way in which the tools are deployed in the instructional process. In
this special issue on SCOBAs, we invite authors to focus on the former or
the latter or both.
A series of recent and current studies framed within Sociocultural Theory
and guided by essential tenets of CBI have explored the conceptualization,
implementation, and evaluation of SCOBAs for foreign/second language (L2)
instruction. SCOBAs have been produced to teach a variety of language
features across a range of L2s. Examples include verbal tense, aspect, and
voice (Negueruela, 2003; Swain et al., 2009; Gánem-Gutiérrez & Harun,
2011; Lai, 2012; Masuda et al., 2017; Fazilatfar et al., 2017; García,
2017), polysemous items (White 2012; Masuda & Labarca, 2015; Buescher &
Strauss, 2018), pragmatics (van Compernolle 2012; Kim 2013; Zhang, 2014;
Ohta, 2017; Ohta & Tsujihara, 2017), genre (Johnson, 2008), and discourse
(Hadid, 2017). The diversity apparent in how scholars interpret and produce
SCOBAs has shone a light on the need to reflect on issues regarding the
conceptualization and materialization of such tools. Attention to SCOBA
design as a critical component of STI is essential given the key role of
mediation tools to support and lead development (Arievitch & Stetsenko,
The overall objective of this special issue is, therefore, to offer a
collection of theoretical and empirical papers based on a discussion and
critical analysis of the concept of SCOBA as originally envisaged by
Gal’perin, and expanded in contemporary SCT-L2 research. The ultimate aim
is to elucidate the essential and specific characteristics of SCOBAs.
On this basis, specific topics may include, but are not limited to the
· How do we define and understand the concept of SCOBA? What is the
SCOBA’s purpose within CBI and Language Education in general?
· What distinguishes SCOBAs from other types of pedagogical materials?
· What role do SCOBAs play in the process of materialization of
· How are SCOBAs best utilized?
· How do we assess the quality of the content of SCOBAs (e.g.,
underlying concepts, models, characteristics) designed to teach specific
language features (e.g., tense/aspect distinctions, mood, voice, etc.)?
*Preparation and submission of papers and review process*
Interested authors should submit a 200-word abstract as email attachment to
the guest editors (see below). Upon an in-house review of the abstracts,
authors will be invited to submit a full paper. The full paper will undergo
the normal external peer review for the journal *Language and Sociocultural
Theory*. Manuscripts submitted for consideration must not have been
published, accepted for publication or be under consideration for
publication elsewhere. For specific details on submission requirements,
please follow Author Guidelines as stated in *Language and Sociocultural
Theory* (https://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/LST/about/submissions).
*Please address all questions to the guest editors*:
Benjamin White, email: bwhite3 at smcvt.edu
Gabriela Adela Gánem-Gutiérrez, email: aganem at essex.ac.uk
Mathias Schulze, email: mschulze at sdsu.edu
Call for Papers: January 28, 2019
Submission of 200-word abstract: February 28, 2019
Invitation to submit full paper: March 15, 2019
Submission of full paper: September 1, 2019
Publication of special issue: September 2020
Arievitch, I. M., & Stetsenko, A. (2000). The Quality of Cultural Tools and
Cognitive Development: Gal’perin’s Perspective and Its Implications. *Human
development*, *43*(2), 69-92.
Buescher, K., & Strauss, S. (2018). Conceptual framework and L2 pedagogy:
The case of French Prepositions. In A. E. Tyler, L. Ortega, M. Uno, & H.
Park (Eds.), *Usage-inspired L2 Instruction; Researched Pedagogy *(pp*.*
95-115). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Fazilatfar, A. M., Jabbari, A. A., & Harsij, R. (2017). Concept-based
instruction and teaching English tense and aspect to Iranian school
learners. *Issues in Language Teaching*, *6*(1), 179–145.
Gal’perin, Piotr I. 1989 [1957]. Mental actions as a basis for the
formation of thoughts and images. *Soviet Psychology*, *27*(2), 45–64.
Gal’perin, Piotr I. 1992 [1978]. Stage-by-stage formation as a method of
psychological investigation. *Journal of Russian and East European
Psychology,* *30*(4), 60–80.
Gánem-Gutiérrez, G. A., & Harun, H. 2011. Verbalisation as a mediational
tool for understanding tense- aspect marking in English: an application of
Concept-Based Instruction. *Language Awareness*, *20*(2), 99–119.
García, P. N. (2017). Implementing concept-‐based instruction in the
heritage language classroom: A pedagogical proposal. *Euro American Journal
of Applied Linguistics and Languages*, *4*, 1–19.
Hadidi, A. (2017). *Cognition and Rhetoric in English Language Learners'
Writing: A Developmental Study* (Unpublished PhD dissertation). York
Johnson, N. H. (2008). *Genre as concept in second language academic
writing pedagogy* (Unpublished PhD dissertation). The University of Arizona.
Kim, J. (2013). *Developing conceptual understanding of sarcasm in a second
language through concept-based instruction* (Unpublished PhD dissertation).
The Pennsylvania State University.
Lai, W. (2012). *Concept-based foreign language pedagogy: Teaching the
Chinese temporal system* (Unpublished PhD dissertation). The Pennsylvania
State University.
Lantolf, J. P., & Poehner, M. (2014). *Sociocultural Theory and the
Pedagogical Imperative in L2 Education*. New York & London: Routledge.
Masuda, K., & Labarca, A. (2015). Schematic diagram use and languaging
quality in learning Japanese polysemous particles *ni *and *de*. In K.
Masuda, C. Arnett & A. Labarca (Eds.), *Cognitive Linguistics and
Sociocultural Theory: Applications for Second and Foreign Language Teaching*
(pp. 203–232). Berlin & Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.
Masuda, K, Ohta, A., & Tsujihara, R. (2017). *Shakaibunka riron to ninichi
gengogaku no yuuwa o mezashite: Asupekuto maakaa teiru no jissen rei, *The
28th Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition Conference,
Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, December 16-17, 2017.
Negueruela, E. (2003). *A sociocultural approach to the teaching and
learning of second languages: Systemic-theoretical instruction and L2
development*. (Unpublished PhD dissertation). The Pennsylvania State
Ohta, A. S. (2017). From SCOBA development to implementation in
concept-based instruction: Conceptualizing and teaching Japanese addressee
honorifics as expressing modes of self. *Language and Sociocultural Theory*
4 (2). 1–32
Ohta, A. S., & Tsujihara, R. (2017). Teaching addressee honorifics in
Japanese using concept-based instruction (CBI): A qualitative, intact
classroom study. Paper presented at the Conference of the American
Association for Applied Linguistics, Portland, Oregon, 18–21 March.
Swain, M., Lapkin, S., Knouzi, I., Suzuki W., & Brooks, L. (2009).
Languaging: University students learn the grammatical concept of voice in
French. *The Modern Language Journal,* *93* (1), 5–29.
Van Compernolle, R. A. (2014). *Sociocultural theory and L2 instructional
pragmatics* (Vol. 74). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Vygotsky, L. S. (1987). *The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky, Volume 1.
Problems of general psychology, including the volume Thinking and Speech.*
New York & London: Plenum Press.
White, B. J. (2012). A conceptual approach to the instruction of phrasal
verbs. *The Modern Language Journal*, *96*(3), 419-438.
Zhang, X. (2014). *The teachability hypothesis and concept-based
instruction topicalization in Chinese as a second language* (Unpublished
PhD dissertation). The Pennsylvania State University.
Mat Schulze, PhD
Director, Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC)
Professor of German, Department of European Studies
Associate Editor, CALICO Journal
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