[ACLA-CAAL] RAPPEL : Association canadienne pour l’évaluation des langues/Canadian Association for Language Assessment -- Series événments ACÉL 2022 ONLINE EVENT SERIES
Shahrzad Saif
Shahrzad.Saif at lli.ulaval.ca
Thu Apr 28 14:50:55 UTC 2022
Chers collègues/Dear colleagues,
Je suis heureuse de vous inviter à la prochaine présentation de la série en ligne ACÉL qui aura lieu demain (vendredi, 29 avril) comme prévu. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le titre et un court résumé de la présentation.
The next presentation in CALA online series will take place tomorrow, April 29. Please find below the title and a short abstract of the presentation.
Au nom du conseil d'administration de l’ACÉL,
Shahrzad Saif
Présidente, ACÉL
Friday, April 29/Vendredi 29 avril 2022 (13h00-14h00)
Meeting ID: 671 1950 1688
Passcode: 238452
The Power of Diagnostic Scaffolding in Technology-Rich Learning-Oriented Assessment Environments
Eunice Jang, University of Toronto
Since the introduction of DIALANG (Alderson & Huhta, 2005), technological advances have made possible timely, dynamic, and multi-agent delivery of assessment results and feedback for learners. In particular, new horizons have opened with performative task designs infused with authentic audio and video stimuli (Wagner, 2008), spontaneous performance modes, adaptive scaffolding during assessment (Chang, 2015; Deville & Chalhoub-Deville, 1999), and simultaneous assessment of integrative skills through multidimensional mastery skill profiling (DiBello, Stout, & Roussos, 1995; Leighton & Gierl, 2007; Yan, Almond, & Mislevy, 2004).
While research on feedback has focused chiefly on the impact of feedback formats (Ellis, Loewen, & Erlam, 2006; Ferris, 2010; Li, 2014; Murphy & Roca de Larios, 2010; Nassaji, 2016; Opitz, Ferdinand, & Mecklinger, 2011), little research other than research on dynamic assessment (Lantolf & Poehner, 2004; Leung, 2007; Poehner, 2007) has addressed its scaffolding mechanisms in assessing productive skills in technology-rich environments. Mediation through feedback during task performance can be distinct from end-of-task feedback as it provides simultaneous diagnosis and scaffolding (Lantolf & Poehner, 2008). It differs further by agency (Holton & Clarke, 2006). While expert scaffolding is led by the mediator, such as a teacher, to promote conceptual learning or skill development, reciprocal scaffolding can occur collaboratively through peer-to-peer or human-machine interactions. In addition, self-scaffolding can take place through learners’ metacognitive control.
In this talk, we examine the mechanisms of scaffolding based on diagnostic feedback in technology-rich learning and assessment contexts based on a community outreach program. The program was intended to provide support for students from urban shelters and refugee and immigrant children aged 8 to 14 who had limited opportunities to learn due to school closure during the pandemic. We discuss the role of the technology-rich diagnostic feedback system on learning mediated through self-, expert, and reciprocal scaffolding.
Shahrzad Saif
Professeure titulaire
Présidente, Association canadienne pour l’évaluation des langues
Linguistique appliquée, Mesure et évaluation de langue
Département de langues, linguistique et traduction
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
T 418 656-2131, poste 407137
Avis relatif à la confidentialité<https://www.ulaval.ca/notre-universite/avis-de-confidentialite.html>
From: Shahrzad Saif <Shahrzad.Saif at lli.ulaval.ca>
Date: Friday, March 18, 2022 at 3:09 PM
To: Shahrzad Saif <Shahrzad.Saif at lli.ulaval.ca>
Subject: Canadian Association for Language Assessment -- 2022 ONLINE EVENT SERIES
An English message follows
Chers collègues,
Vous êtes cordialement invités à vous joindre à la série d'événements en ligne 2022 de l'Association canadienne pour l'évaluation des langues (ACÉL). Le programme (ci-joint) comprend des conférences en anglais et en français par des chercheurs canadiens sur une variété de sujets dans le domaine de l'évaluation des langues.
Nous attendons avec impatience des échanges animés et de nombreuses interactions entre les participants à l'événement.
L'événement est ouvert à tous les membres de CALA/ACÉL. C'est le moment idéal pour adhérer ou renouveler votre adhésion<https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cala-acel.org%2Fmembership-adh-sion.html&data=04%7C01%7Cshahrzad.saif%40lli.ulaval.ca%7C8b9a7c54778545417e9608da194a0e97%7C56778bd56a3f4bd3a26593163e4d5bfe%7C1%7C0%7C637850103659165629%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=0vcKG%2FnXyXkaX2t9jD7QAD66LXDx0hi8vSP6WsGGDz8%3D&reserved=0> si vous ne l'avez pas déjà fait. Les tarifs d'adhésion pour 2022 sont les suivants :
- Professeurs = 50$ CDN
- Étudiants = 15$ CDN
- Enseignants & autres professionnels = 30$ CDN
Au nom du conseil d'administration de l’ACÉL,
Shahrzad Saif
Présidente, ACÉL
Dear colleagues,
You are cordially invited to join The Canadian Association for Language Assessment (CALA) 2022 online event series. The program (attached) features talks in English and in French by Canadian researchers on a variety of topics in the area of language assessment.
We are looking forward to lively exchanges and lots of interaction with the event participants.
The event is open to all CALA/ACEL members. This is a great time to join or renew your membership<https://can01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cala-acel.org%2Fmembership-adh-sion.html&data=04%7C01%7Cshahrzad.saif%40lli.ulaval.ca%7C8b9a7c54778545417e9608da194a0e97%7C56778bd56a3f4bd3a26593163e4d5bfe%7C1%7C0%7C637850103659165629%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=0vcKG%2FnXyXkaX2t9jD7QAD66LXDx0hi8vSP6WsGGDz8%3D&reserved=0> if you haven’t already done so. The membership rates for 2022 are:
-Professors = $ 50 CDN
-Students = $ 15 CDN
-Teachers & other professionals = $ 30 CDN
On behalf of CALA’s executive board,
Shahrzad Saif,
CALA President
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