[ACLA-CAAL] RAPPEL : Association canadienne pour l’évaluation des langues/Canadian Association for Language Assessment -- Series événments ACÉL 2022 ONLINE EVENT SERIES
Shahrzad Saif
Shahrzad.Saif at lli.ulaval.ca
Thu May 5 01:47:08 UTC 2022
Chers collègues/Dear colleagues,
La prochaine présentation de la série en ligne ACÉL qui aura lieu vendredi, 6 mai, comme prévu. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous le titre et un court résumé de la présentation.
The next presentation in CALA online series will take place this Friday, May 6th. Please find below the title and a short abstract of the presentation.
Au nom du conseil d'administration de l’ACÉL,
Shahrzad Saif
Présidente, ACÉL
Friday, May 6/Vendredi 6 mai 2022 (13h00-14h00)
Meeting ID: 671 1950 1688
Passcode: 238452
Exploring Social Consequences of Test Results Expiry Dates in the Context of a Language Assessment for Internationally Educated Nurses
Andrea Strachan & Luxshi Amirthalingam, Touchstone Institute
Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) are critical in addressing Health Human Resources in Canada and other English language countries. A key requirement for licensure is evidence of English language proficiency. Barriers to IEN registration are under scrutiny given the nursing shortages exacerbated by the pandemic. One such barrier is the language test expiry date policy which has been highlighted by the Ontario Fairness Commissioner, among other stakeholders. IENs complete language proficiency testing at multiple points along their registration because the process often spans more than the two years commonly set as the validity period for language test results. The Canadian English Language Benchmarks Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) is one of the exams accepted by nursing regulators in Canada. Recognizing the significant negative social consequences of the test expiry policy, the CELBAN publishers explore the defensibility of changing the CELBAN the policy in the context of IEN registration in Canada. Anchored in a unified perspective of validity (Messick, 1989; Bachman and Palmer, 1996; Kane, 2010), and informed by language attrition research (Bardovi-Harlig & Stringer, 2010; Ross et. al, 2011) as well as reality data (Powers & Lall, 2012; ILTA Discussion Board, 2019), the CELBAN team explores extending test validity period to three years.
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