City Names

Dieter Burrell dburrell at ICPSR.UMICH.EDU
Fri Dec 3 15:16:15 UTC 1999

Ooooh, how different we feel about Cincinnati chili.  I think it's great.
And the five ingredients - from bottom to top - are spaghetti noodles, the
chili itself (ground beef simmered in an unusual concoction of spices),
beans, chopped onions, and shredded Wisconsin cheddar.  The two qualities
that set it apart are the spices for the chili/meat layer and the overall
architecture of the dish.

Dieter Burrell

At 05:02 AM 12/3/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>Joseph McCollum wrote:
>> In the sports pages, it's usually "Cincy," "Indy" (not "Indie,")
>> "Philly," and "Frisco."
>"Cincy" is for/from outsiders, whether on sports pages or elsewhere.  I
>think that the inside version is "Cinti". . .  but what would I know?
>On several trips to that fine city, I remembered a famous feature of
>Cincinnati cuisine: a dish called "Cincinnati chile".  (It comes in
>standard variants, which are ordered by the appropriate number from one
>to five.  As I recall, a "five" had a combination of five elements,
>including chile, cheese, and macaroni plus two more I foget.  Was one of
>them a hot dog?) I was proud of myself for remembering this bit of local
>esoterica on each return.
>I shouldn't have been that proud.  Each time, I ordered one of the
>concoctions (probably a number five).  Each time, the first bite
>reminded me how much I hate the dish.  I think its popularity comes from
>the fact that it's one dish a six year old can make successfully.
>That's not much of a recommendation.
>Several unhappy meetings with Cinti Chili finally taught me to accept
>anything else rather than order this mess again.
>-- mike salovesh       <salovesh at>                PEACE !!!
>P.S.: To add another town to the variant names department: students at
>Beloit College (Beloit, Wisconsin) get a kick out of calling it "Bell
>Wah". Their backup alternative is "Turtle Town" (aka "the Big Turtle");
>Turtle Creek is a noticeable feature of local geography.

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