Brooklyn-New Orleans-... accent -Forwarded

Ed Deluzain eddeluzain at KNOLOGY.NET
Sat May 8 06:21:23 UTC 1999

It's not Channel Irish, but Irish Channel.  It's part of the "uptown
district," which is really south.  Compass directions mean nothing in New
Oreleans.  If you want to find the heart of the Irish Channel, look up St.
Alphonsus Catholic Church or St. Mary's Assumption Catholic Church.  They're
the two that are still in use.  Both are gorgeous in their art work, and,
supposedly, St. Mary's Assumption has a saint buried in the floor. !

"Bethany K. Dumas" wrote:

> I have not been following this thread closely, but I do not think I have
> seen the term "Channel Irish" yet -- when I taught in Baton Rouge, my
> students from NO could all tell exactly which part of NO other students
> were from --
> Bethany

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