Query: Grad Student Seeks Interviewees

Grant Barrett gbarrett at AMERICANDIALECT.ORG
Sun Nov 7 00:34:09 UTC 1999

This request came into the ADS web site. Please respond directly
to the sender, not to me or the list. This one sounds

I am a graduate student at the Columbia University School of
Journalism, and I'm doing my masters project on the New York accent,
how it has changed, its different manifestations, how it's
passed on or lost, etc.

It will be a radio piece (roughly 28 minutes). I'm looking to
speak with (on tape) and/or consult with (off tape) linguists,
speech therapists, voice coaches, people who have gained or lost a NY
accent--in short anyone who might contribute to this piece.

I'll be working on this over the next several months. If you are
interested, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Alicia B. Zuckerman
abz3 at columbia.edu

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