"gay: (and Geo. Chauncey)

Lynne Murphy M_Lynne_Murphy at BAYLOR.EDU
Mon Nov 22 21:01:16 UTC 1999

Beverly Flanigan wrote:

> Quite unrelated:  Do you have any idea how George Chauncey pronounces his
> last name??  I'm trying to recall the Peter Sellers movie (was it "Being
> There"?), where Sellers' Chance the Gardener becomes Chauncey Gardiner,
> with an "upgrade" in the pronunciation of the first name.  Obviously, I'm
> curious!

Yes, it was _Being There_.

Lynne, who's been there and seen that

M. Lynne Murphy, Assistant Professor in Linguistics
Department of English, Baylor University
PO Box 97404, Waco, TX 76798 USA
Phone:  254-710-6983     Fax:  254-710-3894

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