Beverly Flanigan
flanigan at OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Fri Sep 3 00:27:27 UTC 1999
Perhaps the original writer has never heard the more recent phrase and
simply assumed "my bad" = "my bag" (though I don't see a logical "folk
pronunciation" shift). The older phrase (dated now?) means "That's my
thing, my strong suit, my primary interest, my passion"--right?
At , you wrote:
>At 08:02 PM 9/2/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>My limited experience with the expression is with a teenager still living at
>>home; my understanding is that "my bad" is what one says on the basketball
>>court for an error, i.e. "I'm sorry, I screwed up."
>>"Bethany K. Dumas" wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 P2052 at AOL.COM wrote:
>>> >It used to be "That's my bag," which was later shortened to, "My bag." I
>>> >think that "my bad" is folk pronunciation of this slang expression.
>>> Interesting. Then why is it used only when the speaker is referring to
>>> something at which s/he is bad or which is generally considered wrong,
>>> illegal, etc. (My experience with the word.)
>>> Bethany
>>David Bergdahl Ohio University /Athens tel: (740) 593-2783
>>home page: fax: (740) 593-2818
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