CBC (was: those low vowels again)

Herb Stahlke hstahlke at GW.BSU.EDU
Sat Aug 5 14:14:03 UTC 2000


You may be thinking of Peter Jennings, who is Canadian.  Tom Brokaw is
from Nebraska.

As to the relationship between Canadian English and Standard Spoken
American English, you first have to narrow what you mean by Canadian
English.  The Maritimes and Labrador and Newfoundland have some pretty
distinctive dialects, but if you go with southern Ontario you have some
that shares quite a lot with Inland Northern.  In fact, my own Canadian
Raising, and I'm from south of Detroit, is pretty much like what you
hear across the Detroit River.  Shifting between Ontario Canadian and
Inland Northern is not difficult.

Herb Stahlke

<<< aaron at LING.ED.AC.UK  8/ 5  7:25a >>>
>well, now i've heard a CBC announcer

(...on Ehud Barak)

This brings up another question that I may have asked before but I
forgot the answer.  For some reason non-linguists hold "broadcaster"
English to be the "standard" (FN: Are these scare quotes? :-)  ).  In
the U.S. national news, I know Brokaw is Canadian.  Are there any
other Canadians that are the models of standard U.S. English?
Funnily enough, I don't get much American national news here.

I've got to define what "standard" is, and what people use as a
standard.  The school of thought here is that Canadian English and
standard U.S. English are two separate entities and I'd like to point
out the irony of the Canadian news anchors.



Aaron E. Drews                               The University of Edinburgh
http://www.ling.ed.ac.uk/~aaron      Departments of English Language and
aaron at ling.ed.ac.uk                    Theoretical & Applied Linguistics

Bide lang and fa fair  \\  //
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