lefse was:Norway nibbles

Robert S. Wachal robert-wachal at UIOWA.EDU
Wed Aug 9 14:43:51 UTC 2000

Lefses are super thin potato pancakes.  They are also good slathered with

By all means avoid lutefisk in white sauce, but try it mixed with
forked-mashed potatoes and butter.

Bob Wachal

At 02:54 PM 8/9/00 +0100, you wrote:
>> LEFSE--haven't tried this yet, whatever it is.
>It's a kind of Norwegian crepe-like thing.  Don't need to go to Norway for
that--plenty in
>the Upper Midwest!  Eat it with lingonberry jam.
>(I recommend avoiding the lutefisk.  Do all Norwegian foods start with L?)

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