Misled into error

Lynne Murphy lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Thu Dec 7 15:56:57 UTC 2000

--On Thursday, December 7, 2000 9:24 am -0500 Tony Glaser
<tonyglaser at MINDSPRING.COM> wrote:

>> Someone on NPR this morning, reporting on the results of a study into the
>> usefulness of "back belts" for certain lifting jobs, said that people had
>> been "mizzled" (misled) into supposing that the belts were effective.
>> A. Murie
> Hard to believe! My father used to pronounce it like that as a joke,
> usually when he was discussing people who he described as "telligent".
> Tony Glaser

The person who said it was probably reading from a script.  I'm guessing it
was a misreading, not a true new pronunciation.


M Lynne Murphy
Lecturer in Linguistics
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH

phone +44-(0)1273-678844
fax   +44-(0)1273-671320

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