Terrorism tax
A. Vine
avine at ENG.SUN.COM
Thu Feb 3 18:25:23 UTC 2000
Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
> About "wuss," there's an old saying about memories of the 1960s. If you were there when it happened, you can't remember it. If you can remember it well, you weren't there when it happened.
I hope that saying doesn't apply to 6-10 yr. olds.
One more question - are any of the slang studies from the South or Southwest?
Andrea Vine, avine at eng.sun.com, Sun-Netscape Alliance i18n architect
"So I just don't see this as an either-or issue as much as an apples
are yummy, and oranges are yummy, too, issue, and every now and then
fruit salad is tasty." -- Matthew Wall
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