PLAYBOY articles on drinks

Thu Feb 3 19:00:41 UTC 2000

Message to Barry and other scholars with access to bobst Library:

Bobst has a complete file of Playboy on black & white microfilm from
1953 (microfiche from 1991).  Playboy is or was also available on
color film, but Bobst Library values it for its intellecdtual
content, of course.

In the 1970s, at least, Playboy was indexed in Popular Periodical
Index, along with some of the soft-core counter-culture/rock
magazines.  Bobst has thrown out its file of PPI, on the probably
incorrect supposition that its coverage is duplicated by available
electronic sources.  The decision to discard PPI was made and acted
upon before I knew it was under consideration, so I did not have a
chance to verify whether there was an electronic index which covered
Playboy, Cream, etc. for that era.


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