Remembering Reagan's assassination attempt

Grant Barrett gbarrett at AMERICANDIALECT.ORG
Sun Feb 6 12:22:56 UTC 2000

On Sunday, February 6, 2000, Rudolph C Troike <rtroike at U.ARIZONA.EDU> wrote:
>Though not an admirer of Reagan... my personal estimation of
>him rose greatly when it was reported that while he was on the stretcher
>outside G.W. hospital awaiting admission that he was cracking one-liners
>with the emergency aid staff (some lines were even reported).

I was always, perhaps incorrectly, under the impression that those lines were fed to
him or even passed alonged by staff, in the same way that some of Dave Letterman's
recent one-liners from the hospital appear to have been created by his writing staff.

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