try and and try to

Donald M. Lance LanceDM at MISSOURI.EDU
Thu Jul 20 00:31:35 UTC 2000

Dfcoye at AOL.COM wrote:

> I ask my students during one of their vacations to find 3 informants: one
> from their own generation, one from their parents, and one from their
> grandparents.  We have a common questionnaire and the results for "try
> and/to"  always show a regular increase.  I haven't got percentages in front
> of me (one of my things to do this summer), and of course this is a not a
> random sample, but it's a pretty clear trend for NJ anyway.   The two
> pronunciations of either show the same trend with /ai/ gaining on /i/.

Is it possible that the /i/ - /ai/ data reflect upward social mobility as much as, or more
than, region?  Likewise "try and."

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