Second-hand Second Hand Rose

Mike Salovesh t20mxs1 at CORN.CSO.NIU.EDU
Sat Mar 4 06:16:33 UTC 2000

Mike Salovesh wrote:

> Of course, I come by my knowledge of the 1920s second-hand myself.  I'm
> a 1930s Depression baby.  The first thing that comes to my mind when I
> hear Fanny Brice's name is the voice of the little girl on the Great
> Guildersleeve radio show.

Ooops!  Well, I blew that one.  I meant "Fibber McGee and Molly", not
the "Great Guildersleeve", when I said that Fanny Brice's voice was
regularly featured on a weekly radio show.

I think.

Confirming that could be a super timewaster in our house.

We've got incredible quantities of sound recordings around the house
somewhere.  I mean thousands of Lps, many hundreds of reel-to-reel
tapes, God knows how many audio cassettes, and even a few hundred 78 rpm
records, not to mention CDs, DVDs, and video tapes.  Somewhere in all of
that I'm sure there must be at least one recording of a Fibber McGee and
Molly show -- but I have no idea where.  In the living room?  Family
room?  Study?  Garage?  Basement library?  Maybe in our storage locker?

Now that I've raised the question, does anybody know where it was that I
heard Fanny Brice as an obnoxious little girl every week while I was
growing up?

-- mike salovesh                    <salovesh at>

P.S.:  My wife says that she wouldn't remember things like that, since
she's nine months younger than I am, but she thinks it's neither Fibber
McGee nor Guildersleeve.  I suppose I should defer to her youthful

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