edewa shoes

GSCole gscole at ARK.SHIP.EDU
Sun Mar 5 15:11:43 UTC 2000

I've always thought of the spelling as being itowa or iddiwa, but I
can't find either spelling in my meager dictionaries.  But, the word may
be rendered as eetowa, meaning 'come here'.

The shipshio, of course, would be a polite form.  A higher ranking
person, speaking to someone of lower rank (or a dog or a child) might
say eetowa.  To those of equal or higher rank, it would be
eetowashipsio, or 'please come here'.

To a lower ranking soldier, and with a sense of urgency, a sergeant
would say 'eetowa'. One of the few Korean words that I remember
clearly.  I never wrote it down, always used verbal and visual commands.

Note:  if, in fact, I was always insulting my soldiers when I used that
command, please correct me.  Early on in my visit, I discovered that
some of my men considered it to be a nice little practical joke, to tell
me to use words that would have been rank insults to senior officers,
had I followed their advice.  The Army handbooks were almost useless in
giving guidance.

George S. Cole   gscole at ark.ship.edu
Shippensburg University

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