Again off topic: FW: Sorting by Case

A. Vine avine at ENG.SUN.COM
Mon Mar 13 22:37:53 UTC 2000

Michael Horlick wrote:
> >>Different publishing houses have different ordering rules. There is no one
> >>right or wrong answer; however, one should expect consistency within a
> >>given publishing house.
> that may very well be the case, but the crux of my argument was that the set
> of letters that can be termed 'English' are not catalogued under an
> 'English' heading, but rather a 'Latin' heading.

Indeed they are.  But that wasn't the question.

> what english does should have little to no impact on which order the letters
> are catalogued in -- it should follow the order used in the rest of the
> standard -- capital, then lowercase.

Not true.  The order of the standard would produce a horrible sort for most
languages.  So the order in the standard has nothing to do with linguistic
sorting.  The order in the standard, segmentally speaking, is historical, an
amalgamation of existing standards, save the Han section, and those sections
which did not have a working standard.

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