Big Apple ice cream?

Joseph McCollum prez234 at JUNO.COM
Sat May 13 10:18:53 UTC 2000

On Fri, 12 May 2000 10:56:00 -0700 "A. Vine" <avine at ENG.SUN.COM> writes:
>Mike Salovesh wrote:
>> Why isn't there an apple-flavored fizzwater in general distribution
>> north of the Mexican border?
>There is.  Martinelli's.  But I know I've had another apple soda
>somewhere, I
>just can't remember the brand or the place.

Martinelli's is a little too pricey to be called soda (I think), but
years ago (early 1990's), there was "Apple Slice," at least in
Pennsylvania (an alternate flavor of Orange Slice, Lemon/Lime Slice,

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