
Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Sep 13 11:42:54 UTC 2000

At 10:26 PM +0000 9/13/00, Lynne Murphy wrote:
>>From: Laurence Horn <laurence.horn at YALE.EDU>
>>At 12:46 PM +0000 9/10/00, Lynne Murphy wrote:
>>>This town had no downtown/uptown contrast--just "downtown".  Rochester had
>>>(now defunct) Midtown Mall
>>Midtown Plaza, IIRC.  One of the first indoor malls/plazas in the country.
>You're right.  "Midtown Mall" didn't sound right when I wrote it, but
>Midtown Plaza was one of the 4 or 5 malls that existed there when I was a
>kid, so it was one of the things that counted when you talked about 'the
>malls', which as a pre-teenager, I probably did.
>>What, Sibley's is no more?
>Sibley's is now Kaufmann's and the midtown branch is no more.
>God, Larry, you know about everything.

Not \everything/, but...

--Larry Horn (U. of R. '65), grizzled veteran of many dead-o'-winter
bus trips to Midtown Plaza, and to Sibley, Lindsay & Curr at Main and

P.S.  I thought of checking google.com, and sho nuff, there's a nice
view of Sibley's as I remember it (mutatis mutandis) at

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