"hit in/on/to"

Lynne Murphy lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Tue Sep 26 11:06:14 UTC 2000

Devon Coles asked:
>So, aside from slang and idiom ("hit on" meaning to chat up or make
>a pass at, or "hit on an idea" meaning to gain inspiration in
>thought) I haven't been able to make a suitable rule to sort out
>these prepositional Shiboleths that mark the speaker. If this has
>been discussed before, will you let me know where I can find it? If
>not, will you take a crack at it? I need a ready explanation that
>will be accessible to advanced ESL learners.
>Thanks . . .

There is an exercise on this (which contact verbs can take "in") in
both Thomas Hofmann's _Realms of Meaning_ (1993, Longman, p. 222),
which is probably accessible to advanced ESL students (I used it in
teaching English semantics to ESL speakers).

I think a cheap-and-easy way to explain the difference between

I hit him on the head/arm
I hit him in the head/arm

is that the 'on' one makes us think of the head as a surface.  If I'm
hit on the head, you'd usually imagine that being 'on the top of' my
head.  The 'in', on the other hand, makes us think of the head as a
three-dimensional thing and we'd probably imagine the strike being
somewhere in the middle of the head--either because the strike makes
an indentation into the head, or because it's a part of the head
that's not the top (say, by the ear or temple).  I think also if you
hit someone on the head with a hand, it's probably an open hand
(surface-surface contact), whereas 'in the head' would be with a fist
(which has less surface and more force).  (This is not to say that
these images can't be cancelled with further contextual information.)

Some  verbs can't take "in" alterations:
I hit him.  I hit him in the arm.
I poked him.  I poked him in the arm.
I broke the vase.  #I broke the vase in the rim.
I hurt him.  #I hurt him in the arm.

This is because the hitting affects a localized area of 'him', but
the breaking affects the whole. (If part of the vase is broken, then
the entire vase is broken.)  For that, see the above-mentioned
exercise and Beth Levin's _English Verb Classes and Alternations_
(1993, UChicago).  Also, John Saeed's semantics textbook (1997,
Blackwell) handles this a little in the "meaning components chapter,
but that's probably a bit techincal for your students (and I'm not
recommending Levin for your students either!).

M. Lynne Murphy
Lecturer in Linguistics
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 3AN    UK
phone:  +44(0)1273-678844
fax:    +44(0)1273-671320

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