
Mark A. Mandel Mark_Mandel at DRAGONSYS.COM
Fri Apr 13 19:11:07 UTC 2001

Jesse writes:

We have about four examples, all from the 1990s, in the OED files. I
have one cite in the HDAS files as well, from a 1996 episode of _ER,_
in reference to holding onto a car on foot as it pulls you along a
icy road.

Just going by the form, though, I suspect it originated from "sk(ate)" +
"(h)itch(hik)ing". If accurate, that could refer either
 - to roller skates (does anyone still use those? are rollerblades (tm??)
and inline skates called "skates"?) or
 - to "skating" as sliding along on ice without actual skates.

   Mark A. Mandel : Dragon Systems, a Lernout & Hauspie company
          Mark_Mandel at : Senior Linguist
 320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02460, USA :

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