avgilbert at PRODIGY.NET
Sat Apr 14 18:59:10 UTC 2001
To all:
> I was listening to CNN HN. One of the talking head (Holly Furfur or
> Lapoor, to spell them as they sound) said 'parapelegic' instead of the
> correct 'paraplegic'.
> It's not that I want to be snobby, it's just that you'd think these people
> would NOT want to be sneered at, and at the very least, there would be
> sort of diction coach on the set.
All I can say here is, I can't tell you how many people who are supposed to
be "educated" do much the same thing. "Nucular" is a popular pronunication
for "nuclear", even among people who will use "reservwah"(a sort of French
pronunciation) to suggest their education. This is just an observation on
my part. And I'm not trying to be snobby either.
Anne Gilbert
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