
Tony Glaser tonyglaser at MINDSPRING.COM
Sat Apr 14 23:19:28 UTC 2001

>To all:
> > I was listening to CNN HN. One of the talking head (Holly Furfur or
> > Lapoor, to spell them as they sound) said 'parapelegic' instead of the
> > correct 'paraplegic'.

Perhaps they were talking about a kind of fish? "Parapelagic"? :)

>All I can say here is, I can't tell you how many people who are supposed to
>be "educated" do much the same thing.  "Nucular" is a popular pronunication
>for "nuclear", even among people who will use "reservwah"(a sort of French
>pronunciation) to suggest their education.  This is just an observation on
>my part.  And I'm not trying to be snobby either.

I'm a person who uses "reservwha", but not to suggest my education.
In fact, I don't think I've ever heard it pronounce any other way.
What is the other pronunciation ("reservoyer"?). Maybe I just haven't
listened and my native BrEng is misleading way.

BTW, there are lots of examples of extraneous syllables being added
in the medical field. There are several drugs which are mispronounced
- "erythromycin" often becomes "erythromyacin", for example, and
there is one brand name drug, Risperdal, that is almost uniformly
mispronounced and even mis-spelled as "Risperidal" that it starts to
look pedantic to pronounce or write it correctly.

Tony Glaser

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