Generation Extra

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Sun Apr 15 20:02:51 UTC 2001

Article in the _Philadelphia Inquirer_ (newspaper) Sunday, April 15, 2001,
page A1:

headline "Gen Extra: A baby boom bursts in 'burbs"
the continuation on page A14 had the headline "Gen Extra: A miniature baby
boom bursts out in the suburbs"

The article is about the fact that in some Philadelphia suburbs the number of
children has doubled or in some cases almost tripled.
"...a recent report from the Census Bureau...shows...49 million students in
elementary and high school across the country [matching] a high set in 1970.
Two-thirds are children of the baby-boom tgeneration born after World War II,
according to the bureau, and one in five is a child of immigrants."

    - Jim Landau

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