
Mark A. Mandel Mark_Mandel at DRAGONSYS.COM
Tue Apr 17 19:14:40 UTC 2001

Paul Frank <paulfrank at POST.HARVARD.EDU> writes:

"None of the shark attacks in Florida have involved people on shark- feeding
expeditions, though one woman in the Keys was bitten on the calf last year
by a nurse shark after crew members on a boat tossed scraps of fish into the

Would it sound stilted to write "none of the shark attacks in Florida has

It would to me. Sure, "none" is historically derived from "no one", but the
link has been broken. As far as I'm concerned, "none" has the number of
its... (what would we call "the shark attacks", grammatically, wrt
"none"?)... of whatever it's applied to.

USA, male, born 1948, NYC & environs, academic.

-- Mark

   Mark A. Mandel : Dragon Systems, a Lernout & Hauspie company
          Mark_Mandel at : Senior Linguist
 320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02460, USA :

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