Fwd: Phrase inquiry: "Spanish news"

Joan Houston Hall jdhall at FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Wed Dec 12 22:57:54 UTC 2001

>DARE doesn't have anything on "Spanish news."  Can anyone help?

>I have received a query concerning a phrase in Tennessee Williams' play "Cat
>on a Hot Tin Roof".  About six pages into Act One, Maggie/Margaret has a
>line which reads "But I have a piece of Spanish news for Gooper."  A faculty
>member has asked about the origin and meaning of that phrase "Spanish news".
>Thus far all our inquiries have failed.  Is this a phrase which has come to
>the attention of DARE?  Can you make any recommendations on how to pursue
>the inquiry further?  I would be grateful for any assistance which you could
>John S. Walz
>Middle/Upper School Librarian
>Kent Place School
>Summit, NJ  07901
>walzj at kentplace.org
>908-273-0900 ext. 295

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