
Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Fri Feb 9 07:34:48 UTC 2001

At 3:10 PM -0500 2/9/01, Mark_Mandel at dragonsys.com wrote:
>Laurence Horn <laurence.horn at YALE.EDU> writes:
>IIRC (an acronym for Mark's benefit), a Guinea T is what is even more
>offensively (or differently offensively) called a "wife-beater"--a
>tank top T-shirt.
>Jeez, Larry, if you're putting it in for my benefit you could at least
>label it properly,
>as an initialism rather than acronym. Unless that irrcs you...
Oh.  I've always thought of it as a true acronym (pronounced [Urk] or
['i at rk)], like "ROTFL" or "FAQ", or in my idiolect "IMHO".   [Urks],
on the other hand, is not the plural of "IIRC", but the acronym for
Penn's Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.

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