presidential nominative-objective

A. Maberry maberry at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Mon Feb 26 01:28:59 UTC 2001

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Natalie Maynor wrote:
> "Looking to" and "fixin to" don't have the same meaning for me.
> "Fixin to" is about timing.  "Looking to" isn't.
>    --Natalie Maynor (maynor at
Same here I think.
"He's lookin' to go back to school."
= He's planning to go back to school (someday)"

"He fixin' to go back to school"
= "He is getting ready to go back to school (right now)"

For me, there are either crawfish or crawdads; no crayfish.

maberry at

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