"out of left field" (Why "left"?)

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Feb 28 02:40:39 UTC 2001

At 7:58 AM -0500 2/28/01, Bruce Dykes wrote:
>As I learned it, I was told that baseballs get hit to left field
>infrequently, so you stick your weakest fielder there.
>So, you have:
>a) a rare event
>b) a place to stick unwanted people
>and c) the odd instance of a ball being hit to left field, and your weakest
>player getting the ball and successfully throwing it in for an out...
Actually, the weakest player in sandlot and amateur ball is usually
put in RIGHT field, since it's rare that a team will have a
left-handed power hitter strong enough to pull the ball to right. At
all levels of baseball, a lot more balls are hit to left than to
right.  True, at the higher levels of pro baseball, the right-fielder
will often have the more powerful throwing arm, since it's useful for
preventing runners on first from reaching third on a single, while
there's no analogous relevant situation for the left-fielder, but
'the outfield position in which the player with the weakest throwing
arm is stationed' doesn't really seem relevant for our purposes--in
fact, all things being equal, the expression "should" be "out in/of
right field".  What makes us prefer "out of/in left field" is, I've
always assumed, the general association of leftness with the weird or
unconventional (due to properties of both handedness and politics).

--Larry Horn,
pseudonymous author of two entries in _Studies Out in Left Field:
Defamatory Essays Presented to James D. McCawley on the Occasion of
his 33rd or 34th Birthday_, A. M. Zwicky et al., eds. (Edmonton:
Linguistic Research Inc., 1971)

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