English muffins = glazed buns

Sallie Lemons Sallie.Lemons at MSDW.COM
Fri Jan 12 17:07:43 UTC 2001

I'm so glad we speak the same language.  :)

James Smith wrote:

> > This reminds me of a similar conversation I had in
> > England, at a pastry
> > shop.  I asked what certain familiar looking items
> > were called, to be informed
> > that they were "glazed buns."  "Interesting," I
> > replied; in the US we call
> > them "English muffins." "Really," came the cool
> > reply, "How odd.  Since
> > they REALLY ARE glazed buns."  --Ed White
> During an extended stay in England, the hotel where my
> brother-in-law stayed asked if there was anything he
> wanted regularly for breakfast.  His request for
> English muffins was met with confused looks.  They
> finally understood he meant crumpets, and thought it
> novel that he wanted a tea pastry for breakfast.
> =====
> James D. SMITH                 |If history teaches anything
> SLC, UT                        |it is that we will be sued
> jsmithjamessmith at yahoo.com     |whether we act quickly and decisively
>                                |or slowly and cautiously.
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