Strictly a pronunciation question

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Sat Jan 20 20:16:12 UTC 2001

Now now larry. What did the Brits name them?


>At 10:11 PM -0800 1/19/01, Kim & Rima McKinzey wrote:
>>Have you been following the transatlantic adoption mess?  If not,
>>there are twin girls who were given up for adoption by their birth
>>mother.  A couple in California adopted them after paying $6000 with
>>a promise of another $2500 when they had it.  After having the girls
>>for a little while, the birth mother came to visit and supposedly to
>>say goodby.  She took them and never returned.  Turns out she then
>>gave them to a British couple who paid $12,200.  Definitely a lousy
>>However, the articles have said that the California couple named the
>>6 month old girls Kiara and Keyara.  How do you pronounce these???
>>At first glance they would seem to be identical, but maybe one has an
>>i macron in first syllable and the other an e macron?  Maybe one has
>>an ash as second vowel and the other a broad a?
>Strictly a pronunciation question my foot--this is prima facie
>evidence for a judgment in favor of the British couple.

Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736

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