Bukhara carpets

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Fri May 4 07:17:54 UTC 2001

At 10:13 AM -0700 5/4/01, A. Maberry wrote:
>On Fri, 4 May 2001 Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
>>  BARF--A brand name for a detergent from Iran.  Barf gets things clean!
>barf = "snow" in Persian, pronounced more like "baerf" or even "berf",
>does not rhyme with scarf or English barf.
And then there's the always appealing sounding dessert offered in
Indian restaurant, BARFI.  Here's one recipe from the web, which
offers many alternatives.


  200 gms vermicelli
  400 ml milk
  200gms sugar
  2 powdered cardamom
  4 chopped cashewnuts
  a handful sultanas
  3 tbsp ghee

  Crush the vermicelli into smaller pieces. Fry in ghee till a rich
  golden brown.Add the milk & cook till soft, but not pasty. Make a
  thick sugar syrup and add to cooked vermicelli.  Return to heat
  and keep stirring till it forms a solid mass. Add ghee and cardamom.
  When mixture leaves the sides of the pan, remove and put onto a
  greased plate. Cut into squares and decorate with nuts and sultanas.
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