nucular and Latino

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Wed Nov 14 23:39:24 UTC 2001


Nonsense. I didn't say I liked Spanglish (or disliked Spanish or
English). I cited some linguistic and sociocultural facts about it.
When I say what I like and don't like (and I really dislike the sound
of Northern Cities Vowel-Shifted speakers, like fingernails on a
blackboard) I am completely aware of the, as you suggest,
unscientific nature of such comments. But I got 'em.

On the other hand, if you think Spanglish is "less expressive" or
"rich" than Spanish or English, you are just plain old wrong,
although your unscientific emotions may lead you in these direction.
Let's take just one (silly) example. How could Spanglish (which has
the lexical resources of Spanish and English) be less rich in its
vocabulary? Looks like it could be (potentially) twice as rich. Gonna
be a little harder for me to find a scientific correalte for
"expressive," but, given a day, I can handle it.



>  > What makes you think linguists don't have likes and dislikes (i.e.,
>>  prejudices)? I betcha geologists think there are purty and ugly rocks.
>>  dInIs
>Hi again, Dennis,
>What makes me think that linguists don't have likes and dislikes? You're
>allowed to say that you like Spanglish, but you aren't allowed to say that
>you dislike it. If you did dislike it, it would be unscientific of you to
>admit to it. Me, I think that Spanglish is less rich and expressive than
>Spanish. Science be damned. But at least I know I'm ignorant about Spanglish
>and I'm willing to learn more about it. I just ordered Bill Teck's Official
>Spanglish Dictionary to educate myself. Ed Morales' Living in Spanglish is
>coming out next year. Should be interesting. Here's a book I wasn't aware of
>until a few minutes ago: Trudy Espinoza-Abrams, Medical Spanglish. I'm glad
>someone went to the trouble of compiling this dictionary. It could save
>lives. Who knows, one day I may end up thinking and dreaming in Spanglish.
>Back to Neudeutsch...
>Paul Frank
>English translation from Chinese, German,
>French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese
>Tel. +33 450 709 990 - Thollon, France
>E-mail: paulfrank at

Dennis R. Preston
Department of Linguistics and Languages
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1027 USA
preston at
Office: (517)353-0740
Fax: (517)432-2736

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