box cutter illustrated

Frank Abate abatefr at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu Sep 27 12:24:16 UTC 2001


The following web page, from a company that sells box cutters, has
illustrations.  The first, third, and last items depicted are box cutters.
Please note that the first and third pictures show a protective sleeve
covering the cutting edge of the blade.  Also, the illustrations, from the
side, do not show the thinness of the items.

The same page has a link to "utility knives":

Addressing other recent postings on this, first as to how a box cutter could
cause alarm, I think it would to those who know of its use as a weapon.  And
whoever used the term, whether one of the victims on the flights or someone
gathering evidence after the fact, I doubt they would have used the term
"box cutter" in reference to anything else, as it is quite distinctive in
appearance, and is certainly well known as a weapon to people in law

Frank Abate

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