Vodka, hydromel (was Piroguen, Helwa, Easter eggs...)

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Mon Apr 22 13:03:26 UTC 2002

>The word is actually a diminutive of woda (water)+(-ka) and there is
>some evidence that its origins are Polish not Russian, discussed by
>K. Polanski, but I have forgotten where.


>Russian vodka was an important export ware going to England from
>around 1550 onward - the word should be easy to find in sources from
>that time. The word is derived from _voda_, meaning _water_.
>Hydromel is the classical term for mead. See e.g.
> :
>Mead: Honey wine (honey only and no spices)
>Melomel: Mead made with fruit juice other than apple.
>Hydromel: a weak watered down mead.
>_Kvas_ is a kind of very weak and fairly tasteless beer
>Jan Ivarsson
>jan.ivarsson at

Dennis R. Preston
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and Languages
740 Wells Hall A
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA
Office - (517) 353-0740
Fax - (517) 432-2736

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