
Matthew Gordon GordonMJ at MISSOURI.EDU
Fri Aug 2 21:59:55 UTC 2002

>From _The Onion_ (reprised on my calendar for last month):

William Safire Orders Two Whoppers Junior

NEW YORK - Stopping for lunch at a Manhattan Burger King, _New York
Times_ 'On Language' columnist William Safire ordered two "Whoppers
Junior" Thursday. "Most Burger King patrons operate under the fallacious
assumption that the plural is 'Whopper Juniors,'" Safire told a woman
standing in line behind him. "This, of course, is a grievous grammatical
blunder, akin to saying 'passerbys' or, worse yet, the dreaded 'attorney
generals.'" Last week, Safire patronized a midtown Taco Bell, ordering
"two Big Beef Burritos Supreme."

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