
Anne Gilbert avgilbert at PRODIGY.NET
Sat Aug 3 16:45:10 UTC 2002


> From _The Onion_ (reprised on my calendar for last month):
> William Safire Orders Two Whoppers Junior
> NEW YORK - Stopping for lunch at a Manhattan Burger King, _New York
> Times_ 'On Language' columnist William Safire ordered two "Whoppers
> Junior" Thursday. "Most Burger King patrons operate under the fallacious
> assumption that the plural is 'Whopper Juniors,'" Safire told a woman
> standing in line behind him. "This, of course, is a grievous grammatical
> blunder, akin to saying 'passerbys' or, worse yet, the dreaded 'attorney
> generals.'" Last week, Safire patronized a midtown Taco Bell, ordering
> "two Big Beef Burritos Supreme."

Did he really?  In the case of Safire, "patronize" is about the right word,
because "patronize" is about what he does w.regard to language usage(doesn't
really understand usage at all).  As you can see, I have little use for
Safire and his "language maven" pronouncements.
Anne G

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