names for "C" schools"

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Aug 7 20:25:21 UTC 2002

At 2:48 PM -0400 8/7/02, Judy Yeh wrote:
>At 10:41 AM 8/7/02 -0400, Laurence Horn wrote:
>>These are subject to change.  When I attended the University of
>>Rochester in the 1960's it was always "the U of R", and anyone
>>abbreviating differently was corrected.  Visiting there this summer I
>>was surprised to hear the tour guide and information session leader
>>referring to "UR".
>A friend of mine was a grad student at the University of Rochester in
>the early 1990's, and he always refers to it as "(the) U of R." Maybe
>"UR" is just one person's idiosyncrasy, although, if a tour
>guide/representative of the admissions office uses it, perhaps that
>indicates what the school wants to be called these days.
Some of my fellow alumni were horrified when I told them.  Or upset,
anyway.  But I think it may be part of a designed campaign that
includes some sort of slogans of the form "UR [whatever]".  It was
definitely more than one person there.


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