this weekend

A. Maberry maberry at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Aug 22 18:10:27 UTC 2002

Same here, "this weekend" starts Sat 8/24. The weekend of 8/17-18 is "last
weekend". And, for the most part, "next weekend" = "this weekend" except
there is some small difference in that I think "next weekend" sounds more
natural if it is very early in the week, and from Wednesday on "this
weekend" sounds better. I really can't say why, so maybe it's

maberry at

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Mark A Mandel wrote:

> To me, "this weekend" means the one now in progress, or, if today is a
> weekday, the one that is going to come soonest; never the one just past.
> I.e., "this weekend" is never more than five days away, and the
> direction is always forward. I've taken to saying "this coming weekend"
> or, for the following one, getting lengthy as in "the weekend after this
> coming weekend"; similarly "this past weekend".
> I hope nobody finds "this coming/past weekend" ambiguous!
> -- Mark A. Mandel

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