Qualifiable favorite?

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at CSLI.STANFORD.EDU
Thu Aug 29 22:30:07 UTC 2002

sagehen aka AM, re "least/most favorite":
 >BTW I accept arnold's implication of dinosaurishness on my
 >part. Birds _are_ sort of dinosaurs with feathers.  I hope I'm
 >adaptable enough to survive for a little longer.

we are all dinosaurs, i suspect, each in our own way.

but no one is insisting that you say or write "least/most favorite".
you are welcome to avoid any locution that doesn't suit you, for
whatever reason.  those of us who do say such things will be likely to
bridle, though, if you try to argue us out of it.  (some people would
tell us that what we've said doesn't make any sense or that we are
lazy, sloppy, or stupid for talking that way, but i trust that,
adaptable bird that you are, you wouldn't do *that*.)

arnold (zwicky at csli.stanford.edu)

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