def. german urft?
Peter A. McGraw
pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU
Tue Feb 5 00:36:59 UTC 2002
I've never heard a word "Urft," and it doesn't even sound like an actual
German word (though a conceivable one, perhaps). Could you give some
context? Your source wasn't in cursive Fraktur, by any chance? If so, and
if the writer made the mistake of failing to capitalize the word, then a
word Erstquelle (which would mean 'first source') could be misread by the
uninitiated as "urftquelle."
I've also been unable to locate a place name Urft. Douglas Wilson's post
seems to be describing the location of the Erft River, which parallels the
Rur but is a tributary of the Rhine.
Peter Mc.
--On Monday, February 4, 2002 8:58 AM -0500 jane parker
<jpparker at ISERV.NET> wrote:
> on 2/4/02 8:54 AM, jane parker at jpparker at ISERV.NET wrote:
>> I am trying to determine the meaning of urft as in urftquelle the name
>> of a german kennel specializing in breeding working doberman pinchers.
>> Any ideas? I can't find any info in my own web searches. thank you all
>> jane p parker
Peter A. McGraw
Linfield College * McMinnville, OR
pmcgraw at
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