America and Americans / Europeans
Scott Sadowsky
Sat Feb 23 04:07:45 UTC 2002
On 22-02-02 14:00, David Bergdahl wrote the following:
><andrew.danielson at CMU.EDU> wrote:
>>I have heard people in these parts describe Pittsburgh as the first
>>[easternmost] Midwestern city, as well as the last [westernmost] Eastern
>>city. I cannot attest to the thought process behind either statement,
>>though the both make sense to me, culturally and geographically.
>I think the rationale is that it's a town with ethnic neighborhoods
>(Bloomfield = Italian, Polish Hill = Polish, the hill district = African
>American, Squirrel Hill = Jewish &c.) and therefore it's unlike relatively
>"whitebread" cities like Columbus, Indianapolis &c.
To me, someone born and raised in Pittsburgh until age 15, the Midwest is
synonymous with agrarian hinterlands. Or industrial towns surrounded by
agrarian hinterlands. Places like Ohio, for example. I'd never consider
Pgh to be in the Midwest.
Scott Sadowsky -- Spanish-English / English-Spanish Translator
sadowsky at · sadowsky at
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