some footnotes to recent postings (snook/snoot)

Alexey Fuchs alexeyf at ZORAN.CO.IL
Sun Jan 27 07:28:43 UTC 2002

> Hmm. I know this only as "cocking a snook" (and mostly from British
> text, at that), but I'm not surprised at the final k->t, esp. since it's
> done on the nose (snout, snoot). --- Or was "cocking a snoot" the
> earlier form?
> -- Mark A. Mandel

It seems that "t" must have been in the earlier form, and then t->k.
Semantically 'snoot' is much closer to 'cock a snook' than the 'snook',
isn't it? 'To cock a snook' is almost interchangeable with 'snoot', it
seems, whereas it is not clear how to tie the 'snook' there.


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