targets of ethnic jokes

David Bergdahl einstein at FROGNET.NET
Mon Jun 24 12:06:41 UTC 2002

The Italian jokes of my downstate NY youth were Polish jokes upstate; when I
came to Ohio they became WV jokes and on my Fulbright to Germany they
transmuted into Fries jokes.  Friesland (Frisia) is the narrow coastal strip
of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark that borders the North Sea. In
Toulouse on a subsequent exchange I was told the French looked down on the
Belgians but I heard no jokes at their expense.

Ex:   Q: "How do you tell the bride at a [insert ethnic group here] wedding?
A: She's the one with the clean T-shirt."
"Raffiniert ist der Herr Gott, aber Boshaft ist er nicht"
--Albert Einstein

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