word part dictionary?
Lynne Murphy
lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Fri May 17 17:32:28 UTC 2002
--On Friday, May 17, 2002 1:31 pm -0400 sagehen <sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM>
>> There is a small /Dictionary of word roots and combining forms/, Donald
> Borror, N.P.Publications, Palo Alto, 1960. 134 pp. Lib.Cong.# 60-15564.
> This is principally intended to illuminate scientific language. "Compiled
> from the Greek, Latin, and other languages, with special reference to
> biological and scientific names".
> A. Murie
There's also a textbook by Donald Ayers called _English words from Latin
and Greek elements_ (University of Arizona Press, 1965), but it's not
organised like a dictionary, nor do I think it's anywhere near complete in
its coverage. It was the text of a particularly easy and enjoyable summer
course I took one year. I was assigned to do a presentation on Latin and
Greek roots in sewage terminology. Don't ask me why...
Dr M Lynne Murphy
Lecturer in Linguistics
Acting Director, MA in Applied Linguistics
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH
phone +44-(0)1273-678844
fax +44-(0)1273-671320
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