word part dictionary?

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Fri May 17 17:31:05 UTC 2002

>Does anyone have a handy (and preferably online) reference for looking
>up words by constituent parts?  Of course prefixes can be found in any
>regular dictionary, but I occasionally want to be able to look up words
>by base part, suffix, or collocated particle.
>Any ideas?
There is a small /Dictionary of word roots and combining forms/, Donald J.
Borror, N.P.Publications, Palo Alto, 1960. 134 pp. Lib.Cong.# 60-15564.

This is principally intended to illuminate scientific language.  "Compiled
from the Greek, Latin, and other languages, with special reference to
biological and scientific names".
A. Murie

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