text message abbreviations used in speech!

Dave Wilton dave at WILTON.NET
Fri May 24 16:31:37 UTC 2002

This is hardly new and I question whether it stems from text messaging. KISS
and YOYO (I first heard this as KMAGYOYO, "kiss my ass goodbye you're on
your own" back in my Army days ('80s)) predate text messaging by decades.
"TLA" also predates text messaging, but I'm a bit fuzzy on when I first
heard that one, probably early '90s.

I'm also certain there have been some scenes in movies that parodied this
practice, with a business manager spouting off a string of incomprehensible
acronyms. Give me some time and I'll think of what movies.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: American Dialect Society
> [mailto:ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU]On Behalf
> Of Erin McKean
> Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 7:34 AM
> Subject: text message abbreviations used in speech!
> check out this link in the Times Online, thanks to Larry Urdang:
> If this isn't completely apocryphal (the evidence is on the order of
> "a friend of my cousin said") it's verrry interesting. Much like the
> stories of people writing in Palm-script on whiteboards in Silicon
> Valley.
> --Erin
> editor at verbatimmag.com
> >
> >          <a
> >href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-305830,00.htm
> l">Initial
> >reaction is kiss and make up</a></b>
> >        Text messaging has spread into business meetings in a bizarre
> >attempt to save time, research has found
> >

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